"I’m passionate about your family’s sleep"
Certified Children's Sleep Consultant
Certified Postnatal Depression Support
About me
As a mum of two boys under three-years-old, I can honestly say that there was a point when I thought I'd never sleep through the night again.
Since birth my eldest would barely sleep at all, and as he struggled through unhappy nights and stressful days, so did the whole family.
I soon found that sleep deprivation was affecting my relationships, and not just with my two young sons, husband and other family members. It was also having an impact on how I saw myself.
I was experiencing symptoms of anxiety and postnatal depression, as well as a sense of guilt that I was 'failing' to get my son to sleep when other parents seemed to have that so under control.
What Parents Say
My Mission
When I finally discovered the method that worked for us, I couldn't believe the dramatic impact it had on our family. With our new energy, we were calmer, happier, more patient and creative.
I immediately knew this was something I wanted to share with other mummies and daddies, and so in 2019 Sleep by Alexandra, a children's sleep consultancy was born.
Now a certified Infant Sleep Consultant specialising in babies, toddlers and young children, I am dedicated to helping other parents tackle sleep problems in ways that make sense to their lives, preferences and time!
I am also certified in Postnatal Depression Support and will continue to study the link between sleep deprivation and postnatal depression, with more services coming soon.